3A PLUS® Panel.

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  • Time of issue:2020-02-13 00:00:00
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Description:  全维板概念  “全维板”源于其内芯结构专利技术“窝壳状全维桥拱结构金属板材”缩写。该板材的铝内芯层经特殊辊模压延,在形成双面凸点过程中,点与点之间在应力作用下,使卷铝金属薄片形成半窝壳状连续性桥拱结构的中间层芯材,经上、底铝卷材复合而成全维度(无方向)均匀受力的铝板。  其优异的物理结构,相对于瓦楞铝板的纵横受力不均、蜂窝铝板和单面凸点的多维铝板的平压强度不高、铝单板的饰面单一及人力加工质控难度大、铝塑板的防火性能差等更具优势。  全维板把应用于幕墙及室内装饰的多种金属板材之优点集成于一体,提高了建筑幕墙的抗风压变形率,满足了建筑物的消防要求,适应了个性化装饰效果的多样性,减少了原材料的用量,提高了板材刚性比,降耗节能,循环再生。全维板独特的加工工艺,大大改善了生产过程环境,提高了生产效率。成熟的板材复合粘贴技术,是全维板应用安全的核心保障,二十年剥离强度衰减率小于5%。  基本参数  基材组成:合金铝板  推荐涂层:TiO2涂层,若需其它色系,可选用PVDF涂层或木纹膜  涂层颜色:数个常规色(见专用色卡),30余种非常规色定制(可参考雅丽泰色卡)  宽  度:1220mm,1570mm(最大宽幅)  长  度:2440mm,也可根据设计要求及运输条件定制  厚  度:3mm、4mm、6mm  防火等级:具有优秀的防火性能,达到A2级  应用范围:金属幕墙板、内装墙面集成板、公共建筑物超长(≥6m)条型天花板、功能性(机房、手术室)专用板、船舶内舱专用装饰板等  五大核心优势1、板面平整度高,抗风压变化率小 全维板的多层复合结构使其具有出色的刚性重量比,中间层梯柱型中空突块的均匀分布使板材以最小的重量获得最大受力,其抗风压和抗弯挠能力大大超越铝塑板和铝单板。2、超耐腐蚀、自洁性能佳 具超耐腐蚀性能的TiO2涂层附着力强,在耐污染、耐候方面有着独特优势,能有效抵抗酸雨、空气污染及紫外线的侵袭。 专有钛涂层技术,更使全维板具有三十年以上的保色性。3、任意造型,满足个性美 可按用户需求任意切割、镗铣、滚弧,呈现出各种几何图形,充分表达设计师的理念。4、防火性好、符合消防要求 全维板的主要材质均属不燃物质,完全满足建筑幕墙防火标准要求。5、材质轻、易加工、方便安装 材质轻易于搬运,安装方式简单、快捷,并不受季节气候和地理环境限制,显著缩短工程周期。  全维板与其它金属幕墙材料的特征对比性能指标铝塑复合板铝单板铝蜂窝板全维板结构形式三明治结构,LDPE中间层与上下合金铝板复合而成。全铝结构全铝结构全铝结构抗风压变形★★★★抗风压变形率小★★★抗风压变形率大★★★★★抗风压变形率小★★★★★抗风压变形率小结构安全性★★★重量刚性比高★★★★★结构强度高★★★★重量刚性比高★★★★★VA无毒性特有架桥粘接复合工艺使得剥离强度高,重量刚性比与铝蜂窝板相当。颜值指数★★★★★板面平整度极佳,连续性辊涂工艺,色泽均匀。★★★板面平整度差,喷涂工艺色差难控制。★★★★板面平整度较好,面板辊涂工艺。★★★★★板面平整度极好,连续辊涂工艺色泽均匀、色差小,实现喷涂工艺难以达到的涂层效果。防火性能★★防火等级B级,用于高属建筑受到一定限制。根据现有生产工艺技术,如要提高防火等级,则会降低层间剥离强度。★★★★★A2级不燃★★★★A2级不燃,溶剂型胶粘工艺降低了防火性能。★★★★★防火等级达到A2级不燃环保指数★★★★节能、环保、可回收★★★★可回收、性价比较低★★★胶粘工艺,有溶剂挥发★★★★★省材、节能、环保后加工性★★★★生产效率高,后加工性能优异。★焊点多、费人工、生产效率低,属双高产品。★★★生产效率低,后加工折边角铆接强度差、易塌陷。★★★★★生产效率高,后加工性能优于铝塑板。其它出口代码单列,属国家鼓励的新材料产品。集多种产品优势的建筑幕墙板换代产品  全维板应用场景  机场高铁、地铁轻轨、博物馆、档案馆、会展中心、商业综合体、高档写字楼、酒店等建筑外装工装、内装工装装饰及超长(≥6)条形天花吊顶。  具有功能性需求的机房、医疗手术室、精密仪器室、数据库等内外装饰首选。  高铁车体、游艇、船舶内舱专用装饰
Description:  全维板概念  “全维板”源于其内芯结构专利技术“窝壳状全维桥拱结构金属板材”缩写。该板材的铝内芯层经特殊辊模压延,在形成双面凸点过程中,点与点之间在应力作用下,使卷铝金属薄片形成半窝壳状连续性桥拱结构的中间层芯材,经上、底铝卷材复合而成全维度(无方向)均匀受力的铝板。  其优异的物理结构,相对于瓦楞铝板的纵横受力不均、蜂窝铝板和单面凸点的多维铝板的平压强度不高、铝单板的饰面单一及人力加工质控难度大、铝塑板的防火性能差等更具优势。  全维板把应用于幕墙及室内装饰的多种金属板材之优点集成于一体,提高了建筑幕墙的抗风压变形率,满足了建筑物的消防要求,适应了个性化装饰效果的多样性,减少了原材料的用量,提高了板材刚性比,降耗节能,循环再生。全维板独特的加工工艺,大大改善了生产过程环境,提高了生产效率。成熟的板材复合粘贴技术,是全维板应用安全的核心保障,二十年剥离强度衰减率小于5%。  基本参数  基材组成:合金铝板  推荐涂层:TiO2涂层,若需其它色系,可选用PVDF涂层或木纹膜  涂层颜色:数个常规色(见专用色卡),30余种非常规色定制(可参考雅丽泰色卡)  宽  度:1220mm,1570mm(最大宽幅)  长  度:2440mm,也可根据设计要求及运输条件定制  厚  度:3mm、4mm、6mm  防火等级:具有优秀的防火性能,达到A2级  应用范围:金属幕墙板、内装墙面集成板、公共建筑物超长(≥6m)条型天花板、功能性(机房、手术室)专用板、船舶内舱专用装饰板等  五大核心优势1、板面平整度高,抗风压变化率小 全维板的多层复合结构使其具有出色的刚性重量比,中间层梯柱型中空突块的均匀分布使板材以最小的重量获得最大受力,其抗风压和抗弯挠能力大大超越铝塑板和铝单板。2、超耐腐蚀、自洁性能佳 具超耐腐蚀性能的TiO2涂层附着力强,在耐污染、耐候方面有着独特优势,能有效抵抗酸雨、空气污染及紫外线的侵袭。 专有钛涂层技术,更使全维板具有三十年以上的保色性。3、任意造型,满足个性美 可按用户需求任意切割、镗铣、滚弧,呈现出各种几何图形,充分表达设计师的理念。4、防火性好、符合消防要求 全维板的主要材质均属不燃物质,完全满足建筑幕墙防火标准要求。5、材质轻、易加工、方便安装 材质轻易于搬运,安装方式简单、快捷,并不受季节气候和地理环境限制,显著缩短工程周期。  全维板与其它金属幕墙材料的特征对比性能指标铝塑复合板铝单板铝蜂窝板全维板结构形式三明治结构,LDPE中间层与上下合金铝板复合而成。全铝结构全铝结构全铝结构抗风压变形★★★★抗风压变形率小★★★抗风压变形率大★★★★★抗风压变形率小★★★★★抗风压变形率小结构安全性★★★重量刚性比高★★★★★结构强度高★★★★重量刚性比高★★★★★VA无毒性特有架桥粘接复合工艺使得剥离强度高,重量刚性比与铝蜂窝板相当。颜值指数★★★★★板面平整度极佳,连续性辊涂工艺,色泽均匀。★★★板面平整度差,喷涂工艺色差难控制。★★★★板面平整度较好,面板辊涂工艺。★★★★★板面平整度极好,连续辊涂工艺色泽均匀、色差小,实现喷涂工艺难以达到的涂层效果。防火性能★★防火等级B级,用于高属建筑受到一定限制。根据现有生产工艺技术,如要提高防火等级,则会降低层间剥离强度。★★★★★A2级不燃★★★★A2级不燃,溶剂型胶粘工艺降低了防火性能。★★★★★防火等级达到A2级不燃环保指数★★★★节能、环保、可回收★★★★可回收、性价比较低★★★胶粘工艺,有溶剂挥发★★★★★省材、节能、环保后加工性★★★★生产效率高,后加工性能优异。★焊点多、费人工、生产效率低,属双高产品。★★★生产效率低,后加工折边角铆接强度差、易塌陷。★★★★★生产效率高,后加工性能优于铝塑板。其它出口代码单列,属国家鼓励的新材料产品。集多种产品优势的建筑幕墙板换代产品  全维板应用场景  机场高铁、地铁轻轨、博物馆、档案馆、会展中心、商业综合体、高档写字楼、酒店等建筑外装工装、内装工装装饰及超长(≥6)条形天花吊顶。  具有功能性需求的机房、医疗手术室、精密仪器室、数据库等内外装饰首选。  高铁车体、游艇、船舶内舱专用装饰

Introduction of 3A PLUS®


1 3A PLUS® is compounded by three layer Aluminum sheets. Top Aluminum sheet is coated with excellent weather resistance TiO2 coating or PVDF coating as decoration and protective finish, Middle Aluminum sheet is processed into both sides interlaced, evenly arrangement hollow and trapezoid column overhanging block with concave-convex, Bottom Aluminum sheet is cleaned completely and made chemosynthesis treatment on the surface.

3A PLUS® adopts full dimensions 3 layer structure and continue to use our special mature bonding technology, the attenuation rate of peeling strength is less than 5% within 20 years.

3A PLUS® combines the advantages of several kinds of metal composite panel. It possesses excellent evenness, light weight and high strength, small change rate of compression resistance, unique texture, outstanding weather resistance, easy to process, superior fire resistance, high depreciation recovery rate etc.

1Since 3A PLUS® adopts unique edge folding at the corner structure, not only improved bending resistance, wind-load resistance and fatigue life of cyclic loading of materials, but also further increased waterproof, anti-corrosive, penetration resistance and working life of curtain wall.

Basic parameters


Basic Materia: Metal Aluminum Panel
Coating: TiO2 coating ( PVDF coating or wood-like film are available if choose other colors)
Color:Several standard colors (color chart for 3A PLUS®) 30 kinds of non standard colors are also available (refer to color chart of ALUTILE Aluminum Composite panel)
width:1220mm, 1570mm (Max.)
Length:2440mm or as per client’s request.
Thickness:3mm, 4mm or 6mm
Fire Class: excellent fireproof resistance for A2 Class
Application scope :Metal Curtain Wall, Interior wall integrated panel, Public building’s over length strip (≥6m) for ceiling, Functional special panels(Engine room, Operating theatre), special panel for internal cabins of boat.

Advantage of 3A PLUS®

1、High smoothness, small rate of wind pressure change
3A PLUS® with multi composite layer has wonderful strength weight ratio. Uniform distribution of the middle layer’s evenly arrangement hollow and trapezoid column overhanging block makes 3A PLUS® in bigger stress with lighter weight. Its wind resistance performance is much better than aluminum composite panel and solid aluminum panel.
2、Super strong corrosion resistance, perfect self-cleaning performance
Based on TiO2 coating’s super strong corrosion resistance and coating adhesive force, 3A PLUS® has great advantages on the pollution resistance and weather resistance which can resist the acid rain, air pollution and UV. 3A PLUS® adopt special Ti coating technology and preserve the color over 30 years.
3、Various shapes, Meet the beauty of individuality
Cut, bore & mill, curve at random as per client’s request to fully express the idea of designer.
4、Superior fire resistance, meet the requirement of fire protection.
Main material of 3A PLUS®, completely meet fire proof standard for curtain wall.
5、Light weight, Easy to process and install
Easy to transport for its light weight, simple installation method, convenient and efficient. Apparently shorten the project period without limited by climate, season and environment.

The comparsion of characteristics between 3A PLUS® and other metallic cladding materials

Performance Aluminum Composite Panel Solid Aluminum Panel Aluminum Honeycomb Panel 3A PLUS®
structure type Sandwich structure, the LDPE middle layer is combined with upper and lower alloy aluminum plates. All aluminum structure All aluminum structure All aluminum structure
Resistance to wind pressure deformation ★★★★
Low wind pressure deformation rate
High resistance to wind pressure deformation
Low wind pressure deformation rate
Low wind pressure deformation rate
Structural safety ★★★
High weight to rigidity ratio
High structural strength
High weight to rigidity ratio
The VA non-toxic unique bridge bonding composite process makes the peel strength high, and the weight-to-rigidity ratio is comparable to that of aluminum honeycomb panels.
Face value index ★★★★★
The flatness of the board is excellent, the continuous roll coating process, the color is even.
The flatness of the board is poor, and the color difference of the spraying process is difficult to control.
The flatness of the board is good, and the panel is coated with rollers.
The flatness of the board is excellent, the continuous roller coating process has uniform color and small color difference, and realizes the coating effect that is difficult to achieve by the spraying process.
Fire performance ★★
Fire class B, used in high-rise buildings is subject to certain restrictions. According to the existing production process technology, if the fire rating is to be increased, the interlayer peel strength will be reduced.
Class A2 non-combustible
A2 grade non-combustible, solvent-based adhesive process reduces fire performance
Non-combustible with fire rating up to A2
Environmental Protection Index ★★★★
Energy saving, environmental protection, recyclable
Recyclable and cost-effective
Adhesive technology, solvent evaporation
Material saving, energy saving and environmental protection
Post-processability ★★★★
High production efficiency and excellent post-processing performance.

With many solder joints, labor-intensive and low production efficiency, it is a double-high product.
The production efficiency is low, the riveting strength of the post-processed folding corner is poor, and it is easy to collapse.
The production efficiency is high, and the post-processing performance is better than aluminum-plastic plate.
other The export codes are listed separately and belong to new material products encouraged by the state.     Building curtain wall panel replacement product integrating multiple product advantages

Application Scope


3A PLUS® is widely used in airport, high-speed railway, metro, light rail, museum, archives center, conference and exhibition center, commercial complexes, high-grade office buildings, hotels and other public buildings and commercial buildings for high-end metal wall decoration.


* First choice for functional-requirement machine room, medical operating room, precise instrument room, database's interior and exterior decoration;


* Special decoration for High-Speed railway's carriage, yacht, ship's interior decoration.


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